Saturday, February 12, 2005

It Had To Be Written Part 2

Copyright Insanity Infusion

We kissed and headed back down the isle to stand in the reception line so we could personally thank each and every one of our 200 guests.

Meanwhile, I’m still cranking out a temperature of 102 the entire day.

The reception was lovely, although I was feeling pretty crumby and couldn’t breathe for anything.

We wanted to get an early start on our honeymoon, since we had a three hour drive up to our apartment (Yes, we ~did~ live together before getting married…however, my husband’s sister lived with us. Somehow that made it all okay with the parents…because we all know that having your sister live with you who was also dating and partying would definitely curtail any wild ideas that might cross your mind.).

My husband had given the Best Man specific orders that our SUV was ~not~ to be trashed in any way due to the urgency of the long drive. We had plans of swinging by our apartment, grabbing our suitcases, and then hitting the road for our cross country trip.

We were going to be moving 2200 miles away and our honeymoon was to be spent finding the new place we’d call “home”.

So we left the reception after saying our goodbyes and headed back toward my husband’s parent’s house to retrieve our SUV and start on our merry way.

Apparently in all the hoorah of shaking everyone’s hand and thanking them, we didn’t seem to notice that my husband’s devoted and loving rugby team was very late in showing up to the reception.

If you know anything about ruggers, you know that they …by breed…are crazy. (I absolutely love the sport and the characters drawn to the game, so I mean that in a most affectionate manner.)

Anyway, we arrive back at where our SUV had supposedly been tucked away safely only to find that it was nearly unrecognizable. Toilet paper, masking tape, Silly String (you know, that string that you spray from a can), ribbon, string, beer cans, whip cream….was all donned upon the vehicle.

I’ll spare you the profanities that my husband uttered. Our Best Man swore he tried his best to keep the car’s location secret. But this mess had to be tended to before the SUV was even drivable. One of my husband’s cousins is a miracle worker when it comes to anything about cars and electronics… which came in quite handy, because the Silly String would not come off our car.

As I stood there thinking, “Oh my gawd, our car is ruined!!” and tears were welling up in my eyes….my husband’s cousin began creating some concoction from regular household items that would safely strip the string from the paint without ruining the paint job.

As my husband and his cousin were just finishing up the cleaning and washing, which was approximately three, nearly four hours, after we left the reception, a carload of friends drive up from the reception.

It was still warm outside as the evening air hadn’t really started to set in yet.

The driver waves to us and loudly snickers about the SUV mishap as he drives the horde up to the house, and his wave and comments were met with my husband taking the hose and spraying large amounts of water into their car.

Needless to say, my husband isn’t the most docile of people when irritated.

That carload of friends decided they should get going and headed off in their soggy, cloth interior’d car…

Only to have the same ‘nerd’ friend who raised his hand during the ceremony peek his head back into the house saying, “Oh oops, here’s a wire hanger of yours I accidentally took with us….sorry!”

He closed the door and they drove off again. We had to laugh…of all the things…whew, thank goodness we got that wire hanger returned!

By the time we finally left, we were exhausted…I was still sick and couldn’t breathe…my husband was cranky…it was late…traffic was bad…and we had a three hour drive just to get to our apartment.

More to come…


Raul Duke said...

I made it very clear that anything attached to my car at our reception would be met with a beating. We left in my 1972 Plymouth 'Cuda that my Dad and I built. I kept it hidden at the church so we would not have such a problem. When we got ready to leave I had my Dad go get it and bring it down to where everybody was. Much to the delight of my family and much to the dismay of her family - I did a HUGE smokey burnout in the church parking lot and the marks are still there a year and a half later.

I can't wait to read the rest of this....

Laura said...

Look at your hair!!!!! Oh my God it is so long! I love it and I am completely jealous. You look beautiful! And get bloggin', I want to hear the rest, too...