Tuesday, February 15, 2005

No Matter How It Seems

It's raining outside and just gloomy and bleh out there...

How am I supposed to go for a walk if it's so icky out?

The other morning when I took the munchkin out to breakfast, I got to thinking.

In a restaurant full of people, I looked around the room. I watched people engaged in conversation...some listening, some talking, some laughing, some wiping tears from their eyes.

It's easy to become absorbed into all the going-ons of your own life and the headaches and hassles and joys and smiles of the ups and the downs that we each face.

But for a moment, I sat there and looked beyond my own life.

Each and every person there around me was working through events in their own life...events that make them stressed, make them cry, make them worry, laugh, rejoice.

If you ever take time to really look at the expressions on peoples' faces, it can be an overwhelming experience. I sat there recognizing the sparkle of excitement that twinkled in the corner of some eyes, the dimness of distress in others, the empathetic understanding of expression resting upon the faces of some and the yearning for sympathy on others.

It was a heavy moment for me to sit and see all that and realize in such a tangible way that the world is full of issues of all kinds.

Everyone is working through something...no matter how magnificent and put together they seem.


Im A Foto Nut said...


I heard it said this way, "Just remember when you compare your problems to someone elses, that you're comparing your insides to their outsides." Often times, we put on a face that is different than how we really feel. (or at least better than we feel)

When I was dealing with the effects of my ex-wifes death on my children, I shared a lot of how I felt with friends, family, and coworkers. However, there were still many things/feelings that I kept to myself, which weighed heavy on my heart. Many of my friends said to me, "I can't beleive how well you are handling this." What I wanted to say is, come by my house tonight as I turn out the lights to go to sleep, and cry because even though things are going well to the outside world, I still felt totaly helpless and out of control. Which was made even worse because I saw no end to any of it.

But, I said, "Thanks, things are going well, and I am lucky for it." I truly felt that way, but it still did not lessen the trauma of it all.

Laura said...

Too bad you didn't realize that all those people were saying, "What the hell is she staring at?" and "Does she know her baby just ate that packet of sugar? Paper and all??".

manababies said...

LOL yeah I'd be the person who'd get caught staring.

Seriously though, I don't pay much attention to other folks for that very reason, nor do I get intimidated very easily. Everyone's got things going on in their lives, be it great or small. That's what makes them human.