Sunday, January 08, 2006

clicking and meshing

It's hard to say whether or not it's from lack of sleep, but lately I've been doing a lot of thinking.

What is it that actually attracts people to each other?

What causes you to stop to talk to some people, and yet pass others by completely? Why do we fall in love with the ones we do? Why do we reach intimacy in such deep levels with some and can hardly stand to be in the same room with others?

and then with that...

Why are we so tolerating and accepting of some people in our lives, and judgemental and accusatory with others?

What makes us set the unique expectations toward those we know?

and then taking all that to an even larger level...

Why do we even bother?

What purpose is it supposed to fulfill? What is it we are supposed to learn? to gain? to benefit from/with?

I wonder.


Marianna said...


That's some deep thinking, you two.


manababies said...

In response to John's comment...

I think my husband has a very different personality online than in in person, whether it's in a video game or chitchatting in IM. So it really is hard to figure someone out when you don't see the facial expressions or the nuances in their voice.

As far as approaching people and whatnot, I think I've changed a TON since having kids, maybe because the focus is no longer on myself. I don't have the time to look presentable most of the time, so perhaps that aspect of other people doesn't matter to me. However, if I meet someone at the park and their kids are crazy rugrats, I most definitely will find every excuse in the book to avoid planning a playdate with them. Funny how the children can be such a reflection of the parents.

Leesa said...

Wow, heavy thinking..hmmmm.
I like John's response. I've blogged on this too about how you can become so close to someone you only know through the computer. It has been perfect for me since I'm not normally very social. This allows me to meet people and get to know them with some space in between. I've noticed too that we tend to attract some people that have something in common with us,and it starts from there. :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I say appreciate the differences. That's what makes IT all work. Imagine if everyone you knew looked like you, liked just what you do, etc. Imagine waking up in the morning and rolling over in bed and seeing someone JUST LIKE YOU staring back at you. Egad. Enjoy the change!