But I'm tangenting off...crowds. I don't like them.
We went to Costco yesterday to pick up a few essentials: soda, diapers, beer. Or should I rank order them for desire: BEER, soda, diapers.
It was such a busy place. All registers had lines as long as (what looks like) the Great Wall of China. Tons of carts all over. Bunches of clueless people not knowing what they wanted to buy, and who refused to keep their cart to the side of isles - its.easier.to.peruse. all.items.from.the.center!
But the two things that really bugged me and confirmed my distaste for crowds were the following:
(And I'll number them, because as a friend of mine points out - you mean business when you do that.)
I think I've blogged on this before, but let me just go ahead and discuss it again. Walkers and Walker-Watchers. There are people who just walk around oblivious as to where other people are walking. They walk where they want without a disruption in their path. Then there are the people who look out for the oblivious ones. They reroute themselves in order to keep the motion of people undisturbed. To prevent the clashes and crashes and keep traffic smooth. I am someone who moves out of the way for others. I reroute. And most the time when I'm out I don't pay attention to this side of the fence that I reside on. But when it's crowded, it comes in to full focus. And the longer I stay within the crowd, the more apparent it becomes to me. Until I get to the very point when I refuse to move. I bite my tongue and hold my ground with the entire intention to keep my path. And still, at the very moment before disasterous contact would be made, I cave and move. The next few moments are spent with me kicking myself, "You big dummy! You moved! What kind of "Walker" are you EXACTLY!?"...
So then I decided as I rounded one isle and was strolling down a main passageway, that the next time I most certainly would.not.reroute. And you know what? You know what happened?? We crashed. I let the woman crash right in to me. Of course the crash was followed by an embarassed apology by the woman, but that just goes to show you...Walkers will always be Walkers...right down the >>>>>KABLAM<<<<< of the carts.
Why is it when people are in crowds they think it's okay to just let 'em rip? It's nasty and my good gawd, there were some people in Costco yesterday that really need to seek some medical help to clean out their intestines. From one cloud to another...it was a toxic air epidemic. I would have gasped for air had I not thought I would have choked and gagged on the stinky thickness of it. Gross.
And in addition to all that, three little old ladies found my littlest munchkin to be absolutely precious (well duh of course she is! ;)). Which was very sweet and I appreciate every compliment I get on my children...HOWEVER! When you grab ahold of my cart and of the infant carrier and you start poking around and putting your hands on my child's face and NOT LETTING GO OF MY CART when I try to move and you keep following me like I've got you leashed...then it really bugs me!
I don't like crowds.
The way I see it, you are at Costco for LEGITIMATE reasons, unlike a walker, who won't purchase a thing during their "walking". YOU have the right of way, regardless of where you are in the isle. Dorks.
As far as the ... flatulence? I'm not sure why these folks do this! Every now & then, I'll be in Wally World with John (not Sock John) & he'll say "Uh oh". If I'm behind him, I know to stop, turn around, and head the other way. Or I'm SURE to get blamed for the smell by some random person who thinks it's me. I say again: DORKS!
At least the holiday shopping season is over!!! Normally I can handle crowds but during the holidays, not so much.
Now go drink a beer for me please!
We keep disinfectant hand-wipes in a container in the car so when we escape such places we can immediately lose the bacteria we've accumulated on our grimy hands. It was last year (I believe) that a flesh-eating bacteria outbreak was traced to shopping cart handles.
Another favorite irritation is the coughers... those that don't cover their mouth, whether they are showering you or the meat counter.
Just the other day I witnessed a demo lady handing out crackers with the latest new cheese spread, hand gloves on, busily spreading the crackers and passing them out right and left --- and openly coughing like she had bird flu. Yum!
I hate crowded shopping areas too, which is why I'd rather brave the uncrowded stores with ALL my kids in tow during the week. Our Costco is tolerable when it first opens, Mon-Fri, but forget about the weekends. But then, I'm married to someone who loves to grocery shop. He'd even take one or both of the older kids with him when he goes on Saturday or Sunday. Very odd, but I'm not complaining :)
We are SO much alike it's scary. I could have written this post. Well, without the precious children :)
Dig the template change. It's pretty cool. I agree with you on crowds. I hate them. I especially hate the grocery store. Where we live if you stop to look at something or grab it, people swarm around you like you're not there. Like they can't see I'm moving or standing there. I hate those places.
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