Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Yesterday I started school with my oldest daughter. Just her and me time at the dining room table where we focus on learning...reading and activities of some kind. We worked on the letter d sound and read a couple stories about dogs. We worked on recognizing the letter Dd and saying the sound ~d~ makes. Considering she's just 23 months old, I think she did pretty darn well.

I'm going to be posting the worksheets I create HERE. So if any of you care to download them as I put them up, go right ahead and do it. There's not a lot of space available there, so I may take down and put up as space permits. There's a Message area there should you feel so inclined to yammer. Nothing spectacular, but enjoy nevertheless!


The story we read was cute. It was called 'The Last Puppy'. It was about a little dog who was sad because he was always last. Last to be born. Last to get his puppy milk. Last to be taken to a new home. And in the end, after all his brothers and sisters were gone, he finally was taken home and given to a little boy who said, "You are my first puppy." Awww cute.


For some reason, the illustrator of the story chose the following picture as it's cover art...apparently it was REALLY important that every understands this puppy was BORN last...and the person also gave the mommy dog a buttcrack too...ew.


But here was the masterpiece my little one created during "school"...the fantastic completion of her very first worksheet:

23 Months Old


Anonymous said...

Maybe the puppy was just cold or something! :)

Marianna said...

Oh my Lord! That's BEYOND disturbing.... EEK!

I think it's cool that you're starting early with Li'l Miss.


Silly Hily said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe that's actually the cover of the book! That is so wrong on so many levels! Someone needs to remind the author that HELLLLLOO KIDS are reading this!! Too funny

Nature Girl said...

That has got to be one of the most disturbing book covers I have ever seen! Cute story though. surfing in from Peace of Mind...Love love love your photos. Stacie

Laura said...

I didn't realize that mama dogs pooped out their babies..GOOD GRIEF!!!
I love the worksheet!