Sunday, March 27, 2005

Beautiful Day

Today was beautiful. The weather perked up and ended up warmer and sunnier than I anticipated.

The little one and I had a picnic in the kitchen this morning while my husband slept in. I had a taste for french toast, so I whipped up a batch of it using organic, cracked wheat bread. Turned out very yummy.

I laid out a placemat and a couple cloth napkins on the hardwood floor. Set out a cup of soda for myself and the munchkin's cup of milk.

And there we sat having a picnic, in the middle of the kitchen with french toast. My daughter thought it was different and strange and fun. 'Ooo! Mommy is sitting on the floor with me with a plate of weird looking bread that's sweet with syrup and very much fun to poke my fingers in to!!'

And that is just what she did. While her cheeks were stuffed full of tasty morsels of syrupy french toast, she experimented with the remaining slices that I was eating. By the time she was done, my french toast looked like a new 'bread' version of swiss cheese.

Her hands were covered in sticky syrup. And while that seems quite messy, she was fascinated and I am not one who minds a bit of experimenting.

Then of course my daughter thought it was pretty neat that she could make sticky finger prints on the wood floor, and that it felt funny to touch the kitchen area rug with ultra sticky fingers.

Thank goodness for sponges and hot, soapy water is all I have to say.

The rest of today was spent relaxing.

We were invited to eat Easter dinner at two different friend's homes seeing as how we don't have any immediate family living near us, but we decided we'd have an Easter for three instead.


manababies said...

All I can say is, you're BRAVE! I don't even give my kids syrup because I HATE how it gets into everything, like their hair. Eew! But then, my weirdo daughter doesn't like syrup on her pancakes, so her copycat brother has decided that he doesn't either (he's never tried it, to be honest).

Glad you had a relaxing Easter. Now you can eat fries and chat in IM without a need to repent. Woohoo!

Im A Foto Nut said...

You're better than I, I would have strapped her in the highchair in a onezie. Then given her her plate and alowed her to get as messy as she wanted, while I ate at the table, clean and happy. Once the meal was over, I would have then put on a pair of yellow kitchen gloves, and holding the sticky child at arm's length, taken her right to the tub for a good scrub.

This daddy, does not do sticky! I can take alot, but sticky is not one of them!

Glad you had fun.


Anonymous said...

Even Syrup is a risky proposition with 10 year olds.. I find it mysteriously on the doorknobs, on the mirror and every other place you can think of.

Laura said...

I love to do stuff like that with the kids, too. We have picnics in the yard or at the park quite often in the summer.
I wondered if you made your husband run to Mickey D's to get your 27 orders of supersized FRIES!!!
Bring on the Diet Dr. Pepper, baby!!