Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Yes, I'm stressed out.

I eat when I'm stressed. I am so full now that it hurts.

Two loaded hot dogs.Two large orders of fries.A grilled chicken sandwich.A soda.Half a pitcher of beer.Two cupcakes.

While I'm eating I think it's going to help ease my stress.

Afterwards, I always feel like crying. I ache.

It's silly how my mind never seems to remember my same previous mistakes.

My husband used to say, back when we were in college, "It's a good thing you aren't going for your PhD...I'd really worry about you..."


Marianna said...

What's stressin' ya, hon? And yeah... that's a bunch of food, woman... relax or you're gonna explode.

Patricea Chow-Capodieci said...

I could probably get in the two hot dogs plus the soda and nothing more at each sitting. And I'm exercising three to four times a week! Relax babe! Maybe exercise will help?

On another note, it's gonna be Easter soon. Any plans, especially for the munchkin?