Monday, March 21, 2005

You Know...

One morning, years ago when my grandmother was still alive, she turned to me during breakfast with a genuinely concerned look on her face.

"You know, when a man eats too much pepper he becomes impotent, so don't let your boyfriend eat pepper."

I nearly choked on my food.

While on my walk this morning, I called my mother to check in on her and the family, and she presented the same genuine concern that I was met with so many years earlier by her mother.

"You know, you need to make sure you feed your husband lots of tomatoes to keep his prostate healthy."

Then boyfriend, now husband is all well and fine...thank you!


Marianna said...

Words of wisdom from the matrons... you'll be giving the same advice to your daughter in 25 years.



Laura said...

Oh Lord....I think they are just thinking of your happiness, my dear. :D