Saturday, March 26, 2005


This cracked me up entirely:


It's about as strange as having a stroller for your pet when you go on walks.

Which is being sold up the street from me.

Thank you design*sponge for bringing this product to light and giving me a good chuckle.


Marianna said...

OMG that is soooo cute!

BTW, I love your new template. So cute!


Moogle said...

I agree that the pet stroller is strange, but I think my little chihuahua would LOVE to be able to go potty inside instead of outside in the rain! lol!

Moogle said...

Ok, so I just had to add that in the slide show for the large model, they show a big dog in the middle of taking a dump!! That is just toooo gross!!! *green-faced*

I mean, we all know what it's for, right? So why do we actually have to SEE it!??

Sprinkles said...


I was wondering if you would notice that - isn't that just ick?

Still makes me laugh that they stopped for a moment and said, "hey, let's show a dog going #2..." and someone else said, "Oh yeah!! Totally!! That's a GREAT idea, let's go with it!" and that they DID!

I kept describing the site to my husband as I perused it, and he got upset and pleaded for me to stop since it was making him sick.

Laura said...

ha! I was thinking the same thing about the poopin' dog. Humiliate the thing. Sheesh. Someone's BRILLIANT idea!
Happy Easter!!