Friday, March 04, 2005

A Disturbing Little Pig

Copyright Insanity Infusion

On our morning adventure today, I came across some cute blocks for the little one. At the time, I didn't notice much more than the fact that they looked like cute animals within the box they were packaged in. When we got home, I unwrapped them and soon discovered this disturbing, little pig block.

Is it just me? or is the fact that the block has small, round, brown balls floating about the feet of this barnyard animal just gross?

I mean really...what did they think we'd think it was? Little balls of pig mud?



Laura said...

Hahahaha!!! Now if it were a rabbit in that block, I would be rolling on the floor laughing. We have a ton of those blocks, too. Maybe I should have a closer look at them.

manababies said...

We have something similar, only it's a hippo in a tutu and hula-hoop. :)