Thursday, March 17, 2005

I Still Need You

Copyright Insanity Infusion

The little one has an intense fascination with the old tv 'rabbit ears'. I almost feel like switching to cable has caused her some sort of distress. Poor thing drags the ears all over the place with her. It's like she is empathetic toward them since they are no longer needed.

"Don't worry little tv antennas...I still need you!" ~*snuggle snuggle*~

Should I be worried about this? ha!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Anonymous said...

We love St. Patty's Day.. May the Irish luck be with you.. As for those antenna, well I haven't seen a pair in a decade.. You should save them for a couple decades and you might have a real expensive ebay item on your hands ;)...

Marianna said...

I guess there's nothing for you to worry about unless they are still plugged in! :O

She's so precious!


I sent you an email, btw.

Raul Duke said...

It's okay. My wife misses the rabbit ears we used to have too. I've never seen her chewing on them though.